Hello, how are you? Hoping that you have a great Holidays’ time! I’ve been “busy” with Christmas’ celebrations, so I had no time to upload the blog. In this day we made some typical recipes, like “anolini” and roast meat (we call it “arrosto”), but i couldn’t take any photo, it’s a bit difficult in this kind of situations…anyway, i would like to share with you the recipes of the Friday night, as usual: it’s my day off at work, so I have time to experiment!
This time I’ve used a typical “salume” (cured meat) that is produced near Parma countryside, and it’s called “Strolghino”. It’s a “salame di culatello” (a pork-thigh salami), with a delicate flavor. I sliced it in cubes, and I used it to garnish the pasta with peas. Before, I cooked the peas in a pot together with minced onions and extra-virgin oil; after i added some cubes of strolghino. (only some cubes, you’ll add the remaining at the end, so you’ll taste the hot and the cold Strolghino in the same dish – photo number 2). During the cooking, I like to squash a bit the peas, to make a velvet sauce that melts in the mouth.

Instead of bread, I prepared some “sfogliatine”, flat puff-pastry bread with potatoes, origano, salt and pepper, cooked in the oven at 200 °C for 15 minutes. So simple and so perfect combined with shrimps.


A friend of mine brought us some fresh shrimps from Sicily .. so the main dish, as you can imagine, were shrimps and pan-fried potatoes, flavoured with parsley, garlic, salt and pepper, and also a bit of grated bread. I have an habit: I put the shrimps (already cleaned) in a food container with cold water, extra-virgin oil and a lemon juice, then I move them in the frypan in the hot olive-oil.

It’s really a simple dinner to make, after all. But I love simple thing, and also genuine food and great “raw materials”. See you next time!Cris


  1. Pingback: Fiesta Friday #2 | The Novice Gardener

  2. Ciao Cristina, le festività sono belle ma anche impegnative, anche io ho trascurato un po’ il blog… Ho spulciato tra l’archivio del tuo blog e mi piace sempre di più. Buon anno nuovo! Baci. Laura

    • Ciao!Buon Anno! Sì, a chi lo dici, tra pranzi e cene da preparare/a cui partecipare non ci sto capendo più niente!Quest’anno sono grata alla Befana che porta via le feste perché ero sulla via buona per diventare una mongolfiera! Spero di riuscire da domani a riprendere la scrittura del blog e la lettura dei miei preferiti! a presto spero 🙂
      p.s.: grazie mille per i complimenti, son sempre ben accetti, mi fa molto piacere! Cris

  3. These recipes look great, Cris. How nice of your friend to give you such beautiful shrimp from the coast. You will have to tell us exactly how to make your fluffy, potato savory pastry! Merry Christmas to you! Lovely post. Best wishes – Shanna

    • Hello Shanna! I’m glad that you like my “menu”! For the puff-pastry: in Italy you can find some “ready-made” puff-pastry (if you search “pasta sfoglia” on Google Image you’ll undesrtand what I’m talking about. I tried once to make pasta sfoglia at home, but it’s a very long preparation, because the pastry has to “assimilate” all the butter.
      We’re lucky to find this kind or products, cause preparing appetizers or this kind of breads become just so fast 🙂 – Best wishes – Cris

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