Hello!Finally spring is arrived! We’re having such lovely sunny days. And spring means renovations, also for the home! In this post I’ve collected some of the ideas I like the most for my home for this spring/summer seasons -hoping to have the time to dedicate to our home -.

1) PILLOWS: i love cushions and textiles, but till now I didn’t buy a single new pillow: on the top of the wish list there are the UK/USA flags cushions: I want to put them on the white cabinet in the entrance, together with the blue&red cushions I already have.

cuscini2) WALL CLOCK FOR THE KITCHEN: I haven’t buy either a new clock for the kitchen. (the previous one is broken)
We think that we could order something original with free shipping by internet, like these with the cats: Robin – our cat – will be honoured!:)


3) WORLD MAP PAINTINGS: I found on EBay this combo of three canvas boards: I would like to buy it for the living room: we may also put the “pins”on the places we already visit and check about the new destinations.

world map

4) PATCHWORK ARMCHAIR: we need an armchair in the master bedroom. I wasn’t really satisfied about the classical types I found. But one of our suppliers makes a collections of funny chairs, and I totally liked this one: it was love at first sight. I love natural wood combined with patchwork.

kenna armchair

5) A CHALKBOARD: I always loved chalkboards. I love writing and drawing with coloured chalks. I think that it would be great to have one in the kitchen to take note of the things to do, to buy, etc…
I found a lot of cute chalkboards in different sizes, with different frames: but the thing that surprised me, it’s that you can find also table trays, little pots, a variety of accessories where you can write your “thoughts”.Funny, isn’t it?


For today, that’s all. Time’s flying. You may say ” And these are the only things you need?” Sure not.
I didn’t even mentioned the curtains. ALL the curtains in EVERY room. The outdoor furniture. The pots and the plants we wanted to buy for the balcony. The carpets. The new frames we need in the kitchen, in the living room, in the bedroom. STOP. I’ll talk about our ideas next time. Little by little. Have a great day!Cris

11 thoughts on “THINGS FOR THE HOME

  1. Che bella la primavera…al primo raggio di sole ho sempre voglia di rinnovare la casa, i miei colori preferiti per la stagione sono il rosa e il giallo. Sono molto belle e versatili le idee che proponi

    • Ciao cara: ce l’hai fatta infine a passare! 😀
      Anch’io guarda, la mia è deformazione professionale: il bello è che ognuno ha i suoi abbinamenti preferiti, poi i colori pastello che propongono sono molto rilassanti!a me come vedi piace dare qualche tocco di colore un po’ più caldo. 😉

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